Who's afraid of the big bad wolf ?¿?¿?
2 d@y ii woke up at 5:25 && went to driver's ed. We s@t outside for like 30 minutes b.c my te@cher h@d the key but he didn't know the code so he h@d us w@iting for a j@nitor. Fin@lly he just c@lled the other te@cher && we went in. We h@d our mid term 2d@y that ii forgot about. I still p@ssed with a 75% though. We got out at 7:30 but it took W@rren a while to get up && get me ((lol)). When ii got b@ck home ii h@d sum apple pie && ice cream && t@lked 2 W@rren. Then ii went to my room && went to sleep, until W@rren c@me to use the computer && we were t@lkin. We left && got some pizza && went to see L@dy in the W@ter. It was good in a weird kinda w@y. I liked it. Now i'm b@ck home just got off the phone wit Nicole && ii was t@lkin to J@vetta && textin' Lily, but now i'm t@lkin 2 Ashley!
So i'm out
Pe@ce V
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