Wednesday, July 19, 2006

@ G3@T D@Y !¡!¡!

Today was so much fun! First ii had drivers ed. Boring as usual until ii finally got to drive for the first time ever. I was so scared but it was actually alot of fun. I thought that ii was going to have to stay in the school parking lot the whole time since ii had never driven before but e actually let me drive in the neighborhood by the school && we went out to matlock to downtown Mansfield on the lil higheway thingy past Legacy and down Debbie Ln. it was great ii was so happy. I had this big cheese grin on my face when ii got out the car! Later on once ii got home ii talked to Javetta && then Kendrick while ii watched White Chicks ((that's muh movie!)) Talking to Kendrick was so much fun. sum kind of way we ended up playing a game && ii didn't even want to get off the phone b.c it was so much fun, but ii had to go @ 6 b.c my mom && ii went out to eat && then we went to Bass Hall in downtown Fort-Worth to see Mama Mia. I have waited forever to see that play. Oo0o0o 3e3e3e3emmm G3e3e3e3e it was so much fun. I loved it. I got the CD 2 =]. It was an amazing day. I'm sure i'll sleep good tonight!


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