Sunday, July 23, 2006

Family time is fun time =]

Oo0o0 3meM3meM Ge3e3e3e
2 day wa so much fun. Mi Familia had a cookout. It was my idea to. Let's see it was my, my mom, Warren, Qua, Elena, && Taylor. The reason for having a cookout was so Kendrick had a reason to come over but he wasn't even able to come. It's all good though b.c ii had so much fun. First Qua came over && he had Elena with him. I was so surprised we hadn't seen her in forever. ((She had been hurt too. She went go cart racing with her cousin and the chain came off and cut her arm open && her cheek and crooked all her teeth and put big gaps inbetween them. She has a scar on her cheeck and a retainer in her mouth now.)) Then me, my mom, && Elena went to the grocerie store while Warren && Qua went to go get Taylor. When everybody was back me, my mom, && Elena were on the love seat on my mom's laptop && all the "guys" were playin' Dominoes. I got to make the mac && cheese && my mom made all the other sides while Qua did the Bar-B-Qing ((of course)). It was funni b.c Warren took the rack that holds the coles out of the grill like a loser ((lol)). The whole day Elena was talkin' smack to Qua && he never did anything so later ii was like Elena got you in check ((lol)). Ummm the food was Yummy. Qua made me sausage as usual! While we ate we watched Running scared ... gorry but GOOD. Taylor && ii were the only ones that ate at the table && after we finished eating we went && used my mom's laptop on the love seat while everybody elses was like on the florr ((lol)) after running scared we watched 16blocks ii didn't really pay attention to it though. I tackled Warren ... it was so funny. I took his beer && as he tried to run awway ii grabbed his shirt && then pushed him down in the chair it was hilarious. && later Warren left to get some more Bacardi Silver Taylor && ii went with him && we were fighting over the front seat. I won ... with a piece of sausage in my hands ((lol)). He did hurt my arm though ... it's all red still. && getting back in the car on the way home ii won again. ((lol)) ii was so propud of myself ... it's probly just b.c he is so tiny ((lol)). When we got back we were on the lap top again && Qua was being all nosy wondering what we were doing. ((lol)) before the movie was over though Qua was nocked out sleep on the couch. Elena was like Qua get up so you can drive home ... he was like i'm good ... the next thing you know he was snoring ... funni! ... now i'm sure ii left out a whole bunch of stuff but the oint is that ii had alot of fun ... && my mom said that we will probly do another one soon && invite Tracey && her family ! yup yup we'll i'm really tired && ii got driver's ed @ 6 in da moring 2morrow so i'll TTYL
Nia luvs ya like BOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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