ii did the right thing!
Well I finally broke up with Kendrick. Yesterday he made me mad at lunch for the last time. He kept hitting me && it hurt, ii was getting really tired of that && he kept calling me a B****, ii don't care if he was just playing or not but it was making me mad. Ok, so ii have always know that he had a flirting problem, but ii never thought he was stupid enough to flirt with people in front of me, especially my friends, but ii guess ii was wrong! So ii was already mad && on our way to 4th block he still kept hitting me && flirting with my friend so ii just started walking ahead of him. He said bye to me && ii said bye back && then ii went to class. I just sat there in IPC for the longest time starring into space until Shelby asked me what was wrong && Then ii just started crying. I knew ii had to break up with him b.c ii had sworn to myself that the next time he made me mad && made me cry ii was going to suck it up && break up with him. She made me feel better && then there was a fire drill. Of course our class is in the same hall so we were outside in the same area. At first Shelby had me hiding behind Quinten for whatever reason && then we moved. After the fire drill Quinten && this other guy were going back into the school a different way so Zelly [[ my friend that Kendrick was flirting with ]] && ii went with them. Then we lost them && got back to class b4 them. When they finally made it back to class we were all sitting down && talking about why ii was still with Kendrick in the first place && then we started talking about going out with people shorter or taller than you. After class Kendrick walked out of his class the same time we were walking by so he was walking next to me but neither one of us said anything, then Shanae came up && was inbetween us talking to me, so he turned around && was with someone else. After we got down the stairs he went the opposite way so ii grabbed Shelby && told her to come on. She went && grabbed him && told him "talk to your girlfriend" he said, "NO!" so ii was like, "you're not going to talk to me?" but he just kept on wallking. So then ii walked around with Shelby until we went to the front of the school && ii met up with Johnae && Adrienne. Since ii was just standing there ii started thinking about what ii was going to have to do && ii just started crying they were like what's wrong, Vandy was out there, but he was just looking at me. Adrienne's bf offered to beat him up for me, ii thought that was funny since he is like already on probation with a $5,000 fine. When my mom came to get us && we were in the car my mom just had to ask how was your day, ii ws like good until the end. She asked why && ii was like well ii am going to break up with Kendrick. What she said made me cry more but it did make me feel better. She said something along the lines of, there is so much that your are willing to put up with, but when you decide that you can't take it anymore you just got to let them go. After she said that ii couldn't stop crying, but when we got to her school ii finally stopped. It was so much fun there, we stayed till like 6:30 or sumthin like that. I had fun with DJ && Jade. After the tryouts Me, Adrienne, Johnae, Paris, Jade, and DJ were all on the stage singing in the microphone. After we left there we all went to tace bell. We stayed there till like 8 sumthin, ii have never stayed at a taco bell that long, all we did was talk. Adrienne && Johnae were actin like they were going to go get the Taco Bell guys number for me, that was funny. He was cute though. We dropped them off && on our way home my mom got me some ice cream && ii called Shelby. We talked for a while until ii got into the house we got off the phone && like 3 minutes later Kendrick called. It was so funny b.c the way ii answered the phone was like momtone, so my mom cracks up laughing. I went to my room && ii was like so what are you doing, ii can't remember what he said but it isn't important anyways. Then he asked me what was ii doing && ii said eating my icecream. Then we sat there in silence for what seemed to be forever. I was like sitting there talking to my self just saying go ahead break up with him, just get it over with, say it say it. So then ii finally did, ii was just like ii think we should break up b.c ii can't do this anymore && all he said was ok, like it didn't phase him. Then ii started crying until ii started thinking, ii was like what are you crying for, you broke up with him, he treated you bad in the first place && you deserve better. So ii stopped && ii haven't cried since. He called today, to ask me if there was a rule on how long we are suppose to wait till we get with other people. I guess he was trying to make me feel bad && he was like ii just didn't want you to get all mad when ii have a new girfriend on monday. That was stupid though, it didn't bother me b.c 1 that just means he is cheating on some other girl && treating her like crap instead of me && 2 the last time we got into a fight he was already ready to get into a new relatiomship b.c he thought ii was going to break up with him && ii said something about it && he told me that it would have been a half hearted relationship just to make me feel bad. I mean ii am sure i'll be upset when ii see him with another girl, but hey ii will still be happier then ii was when ii was with him.
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