Wednesday, August 16, 2006


um so my first three days of school have been great! Let's see, the first day ...
I had fun on the bus talking to Sam && Karmelo! =]
I don't really like my advisory, I know the people in there, but I don't talk to them so it's was boring. I think that it is dum that we have advisory now. GAY. Well anyways, after advisory was English. That was fun, I have it with mostly all of the same people that I Had English with last year, so I was happy about that. After English, Partners in PE, there we more people then I expected. I think there are 20 or 30 something of us. I was happy because Nancy was in there, she was one of my PE buddies last year. That class was fun though, we sat down and drew pictures with two of the girls in the class, Kendra && Desiree. After that Choir. Choir is going to be wonderful this year, we had so much fun! We have C lunch, that's ok, we still had fun. I like my IPC class too. I got Sharral [[ YAY ]], Shelby, Zelly, && Ashley [[ McCoy ]]. OMG Radkeem is in that class, it was hilarious when he walked in, we were kinda just starring at each other. Ashley came && sat by me && he sat on the other side of the classroom, it was funny but I felt bad. He was asking her why she did that. I told her to tell him that I wasn't going to bite him or nothing like that or that she could go over to him, because I wouldn't care. It's been over a year now since we talked, I mean I still don't wanna be his friend, but all this we can't be within 5 feet of each other stuff is just plain dum! I had fun though. I taked ALOT! [[ Whoo Hoo ]] ii love to talk! [[ especially in 4th block ]] ...
drivers ed ...
Tuesday was fun, but not as fun as Monday. Being on the bus was boring at first until we got to Raven's stop. She sat by me && we talked until Kat called! =] Advisory was broing again, but my teacher had gottne proposed to. Engilsh, that was fun, I got to meet new people. I was acting so crazy. I really like my new outgoing && not shy to meet new people personality. Partners in PE was fun again. I have talked to alot of people in there, we are all pretty cool with each other. Stephanie && ii are partners with this boy named Kevin. He is actauly really smart, ii think that he is on a higher level then some of the other students in the class. I also think that he has a little crush on Stepphanie [[ she caught him looking at her boobs ]]. Choir was fun && so was lunch, until our table got attacked by white bois && me && Shadorie moved ((lol))! In IPC we got in trouble he said we talked to much! [[ Oh Poo ]]. We took our first test && ii got a 100 too. =] GO NIA!
drivers ed ... Bruster's
Today Karmelo sat by me on the bus && ii was textin' Chris [[ Majors ]] ... that was fun && ii talked to Kat again. Kendrick came back today [[ YAY ]] we walked around until the bell rang && then ii went to English ... we read a poem && made our own && " built a house." I had fun b.c ii like to write poems && fold paper [[ soYEA ]]. Partners in PE was fun, we had to go around asking people questions && having them sign their names. Then we worked on our sign language && jugling. Kevin wasn't there, but we had fun. Coco is CRAZii, but so much fun ((lol)). Anajulia is moving back to Alaska ((t3@r T3@r)), so she was in our class today [[ she lied about being someones cousin ]]. Choir we sang, it wasn't as fun as before, since we are actually working, but CHEA. The whole time, the only thing ii could think about is how much ii hoped Kendrick would have C lunch. Funni thing ... during class Warren sent me a text that said "Get to work. Quit thinkin about Alfonso." [[ Warren calls him mexican names ... ?¿? ]] It happened to, we have lunch together! I was so HAPPY. I feel bad b.c ii left Nicole && errbody but CHEA. HAHA ii really felt bad for leaving Zelly, she came into IPC late && she was breathing all hard, I was like did you get lost && she was like yea ((lol)). It was kinda funni though. We got to burn pennies today [[ FUN FUN ]] ...
drivers ed ...last day TEST .. ii passed [[ DUH ]] ... can't wait to get my license! YAY =]
mmmh K hope errbody has been haing fun like me!
Adios V
Nia loves ya like BOOM!¡!¡!


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