Thursday, June 01, 2006

Fun in Austin


Well i'm being bored in Austin right now, because my mom is at her little meeting thingy and i'm stuck at the hotel by myself. It had been a really fun trip though. We left Tuesday and went to Schlitterbahn ( I think that's how it's spelled, but i'm not 100% SURE). I personally think that it's not worth the drive especially when we have Hurricane Harbor like umm 15 minutes away! It was fun though. At first we were on the wrong side, there were nothing but tube shoots and then we realized that there was more than one side. The other side had the "real" rides. After we left Schlitterbahn we went to the hotel. It was a real uppity rich place (like $200-300 night). I felt really ghetto walking in there. At first we didn't know where to park, we drove around in circles for a while till we asked the guy at the front of the hotel where to park, he was like it's VALET only! We were like Oh! Then when we went inside It was all fancy and they were playing classical music, but my mom and I looked like crap. Our hair was all poofy and our eyes bloodshot since we had just been swimming. I was embarrased, but at least I will never see those people again. Yesterday my mom and I got a real "workout". We walked like a MILLION miles. First we walked to the captiol building. We got to see the actual House of Representatives having a meeting. Ok when you think of a government meeting you think profesional, business suits, and them like taking notes and stuff. NO! They were like wearing regular clothes like what we wear to school, half of them were talking to each other, some were sleep, and all layed back in their chairs. I thought it was hilarious! Later we ran around forever trying to get to UT it was a mess. But like after an hour and something we finally found our way to the right part. UT is huge! We went on a tour of the capus, we had the best tour guide ever, he was so funny! I'm afraid of going to college, I don't want to be by myself. Being alone is like one of my biggest fears, like today for instance, i'm not eating lunch because I would have to go downstairs to the restaraunt by myself. After the UT tour we checked left the rich hotel and checked into the one i'm at now. My mom and I walked around the down town area and found a mexican restaraunt, then we went back to the hotel and went swimming. My mom was of course in the Hot Tub and I was of course in the pool! We had everything to ourselfs. When we got out there this lady (white lady) was out there with her tow little girls. As soon as my mom and got out there the lady was like lets go girls (go figure!). Later when we went back to out room I went out on the patio and talked to Javetta for an hour or so until I finally decided to go to bed. So far today all I have done is take a shower and wash my hair and i made some coffee. Well I guess i'm gunna go now and find something else to do one the computer since my mom has to pay $10 for me to use this internet service for 12 hours.

Nia Luvs Ya Like BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Peace V
I'll be back Friday night and we are gunna get season Passes to Six Flags (YES!!!!!) So if anybody wants to go give me a call ... you should know the nuber.
I haven't talked to Kendrick since I saw him on Saturday, well I got to talk to him for some secounds on Tuesday .... it really suxz!
There isn't one. BYE!


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