Tuesday, August 30, 2005

What it feels like to worry 1/2 2 death !!!!!

I really need the power of prayer 2 elp me through this one! I have no idea where my dad or my brothers or sister or step-mom are. They could either be in Lousianna or Florida. If they are in Lousianna they could be under water by now with all the flooding and if they are in Florida, they would be in Miami wich is the first place that hurricane hit. I can't get in touch wit them. I called the house phone in Louisianna and it says it has been disconected , but that could either mean they have moved or the power was out of sumthin' like that. Then I called my dads cell and it says it is temporarily out of service! I never imagined I would hurt so badif sumthin' happened 2 my dad but after getting off the phone with Javetta's dad ( who can't get in touch with his family that is only 90 miles away from new orleans) I can't stop cryin'! Oh I pray 2 God that they are safe! Please help me pray!

Love always



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