Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Christmas! and more

Christmas was great! I had my cousins Lito and Rashaad over! I got sum baby phat jeans a shirt and sum shoes i got jewlery and bath manicure and pedicure stuff and an mp3 player! Javetta alos surprised me it was great ... i thought she was in Ok. but we got each other the same present hahaha that was so funny! Chris got me the emancipation of mimi ultra platinum edition since i lost my first one. well there really isn't that much to talk about but there has been ALOT goin
on! it's been a lot of fun! my b-day is coming up soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well i'll ttyl
NIA LUVS YA LIKE BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 19, 2005


it been alot of fun wit my bf! if ya want details call me! lol ... sry this is all u get but there is 2 much 2 type so call! luv ya like BOOM !!!!!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

ThUrSdAy!¡!¡! and FrIdAy!¡!¡!

THURSDAY ... when there was no school ... I was really mad b/c I was suppose to have a field trip to the mall that day! ... but instead I spent my day with Javetta and some of it with Chris ... it actually ALOT of fun! and all of the Christmas decos are up now!

FRIDAY ... I went to school .. haha ... but afta school I had choir rehersal and when I got home my mom took Othello to the vet and Chris came over and we stood outside on th front until my mom camre home and he let but my mom was REALLY mad because it was dark outside! she almost didn't let me go to Ashley's partay Ashey's partay was sooooo TIGHT! it was ALOT OF FUN! well that's all 4 now about to go get my brows waxed so i'll ttyl Nia LUvs YA LIKe BOOM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Tuesday after school I had a solo audition at 4:25 but Javetta and I stayed upstairs until then and this is one of the many pics that we took !!!! lol Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 04, 2005

saturdai and sunday ((at 4:34))

Yesterday I woke up at 7:39 and Mariska woke up at 8!I sent Nate a text message at like 8:40 and it said "this is a wake up text! so wake up!" later when we went to their house he slapped 4 it! Me, Chris, Mariska, and Marquis walked around the neighborhood for a while and then mi madre took us to sonic and we took Mariska home. When we got back to the house the bois left and me and mi madre cleaned the house! later we went to IHOP and Chriss called me tallin' me 2 come down there! haha he was mad cuz I wasn't home! After that we went to Wal-mart and I was on the phone wit Chris then Javetta and then I had both of them ((one on each phone)) until Chris started gettin' mad so I told Javetta to call me back at midnight ... she really did 2 she was like I stayed up just 4 u! she was really sweete last night she said I love u and actually to me and didn't say she was lyin' or nuthin'! and she told me I was pretty! I was like awww I like this! :) we fell asleep on the phone until 8 sumthin' this mornin' my phone started goin' dead! she called me later and we talked until I left to go to Nicoles house for me her and amiee to practice our trio it sounded really good with the harmony! Oh yea and I talked to Chris and for part of the time Marquis on my way to Nicole's house! I left there around 3:20 sumthin' and called Javetta but now she has gone out to eat with her parentals and i'm on da phone wit Mariska ! Tha gilr left three things over here her shirt her necklace and her phone charger! lol and she took my belt with her! Marquis wants me to bring him Mariska's necklace so he can wear it 2 morrow and show Britney! Well that's all 4 now ttyl Nia Luvs Ya Like Boom!!!!!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

thnxz giving and great news

for thnxz giving me and mi madre went to Florida it was sooooo much fun! Wednesday night first we went ballroom dancing with my my gandparents and then me and my mom went to Pleasure Island and I went to my very first club! Thursday for thnxz giving we weent to the Gaylord Plams Resort ... omg it was soooo big and soooo pretty and it was me and mi madre ... my grandparents ... my mom's best friend and her daughter (Dahlia) and my auntie Angela! it was sooo much fun once I get my pics developed i'll put them on here! :) Friday we went to the new mall of mellinia or howeva u spell it ... it was nothin' but those extra expsensive store like LV Tiffany's and crap like that! We just window shopped ... but we did eat at the Cheesecake Factory! Saturaday I got to see my cousins and we had like 13 ppl over for dinner! Sunday I came home and the first thing we did was pick up Javetta but she slept the whole time she was over here! Thnxz giving break was great!

ok now last night me and mariska went to the mall! But my firends Chris Nate Marquis and Devin showed up and we walked around for a while which was boring so then we went to go se a movie! ok now Chirs likes me and I knew it but at the ovies he sat by me and was actin' all shy and didn't talk his brother kept callin' him names and stuff! It was weird b/c he has never been shy around me b4! so at the movies Mariska sat between Nate and Devin ( who has the same hair as her but thicker and WAY longer) I was sittin' between Nate and Chris Marquis Devin and Devin's brother (their driver) were sittin' on the other end of Devin! Me Nate and Mariska fell asleep during the movie we went to go see Aeon Flux! it was terribly boring! ne ways after the movie mariska and I went to my house and we had looked at pictures and tehn we got in the bed but like 2minutes later Nate calls talkin' bout sum look outside! these fools was parked outside my house! we went and looked out the window and Chris and Marquis ran up to the window but Chris' dum self knocked on the window ... it scared the crap out of me! But mariska ended up talkin' 2 Marquis on the phone all nite while I talked to Chris we talked for about over 4 hours! :) But now Mariska goes out with Marquis ( a senior) omg Britney is gunna be sooooo mad! she is like in love with him! yesterday she wrote on teh sidewalk
" marquis I love you" so yea ... and I now go out with Chris! :) It took him 4eva to finally ask me he was all scared and playin' dum it was funy it took over 20 minutes for him to get the question out! well that's sall 4 now hope u enjoyed this post
Nia Luvs Ya Like BOOM ! ! ! ! !