Wednesday, January 17, 2007

me n my build-a-bear Posted by Picasa

rarrrrr!!!!!!!!! Posted by Picasa

me lookin sexy lol =] Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


After being on the phone with Rosie for an hour tryna help him help Dorie find my house we finally were on our way to the game. It was kinda boring though. It was really cold so for a majority of the time ii was squeezed between Dorie && Cam tryna keep warm. It worked for a while [[Cam is a pretty good windshild]] . I did have some fun at the game though, like when Rosie randomly slapped me or when he layed across me, Cam, && Dorie. The ride home was intresting with their mom on the phone asking where we were every 2 minutes [[Rosie suxz at lieing]] .
Dorie was actually able to get to my house without trouble this time [[as far as ii kno atleast]] . They all came in && my mom took pics of us && then we left. On the way there ii got to talk to Dorie && Rosie's mom on the phone, that was funny. I think ii got Dorie in trouble [[ii didn't kno ii was suppose to lie about where we were again]] OOOPS. The dance was so much fun though. I actually danced [[a little]]. I would have danced more [[there were some things ii wanted to do, but they just never played the right music]] .We danced on the stage, that was funni && watching Rosie, Cam, && Simion dance is pretty entertaining. I think the best part had to be when Cam slipped && fell, or when Bre started dancing on him && he fainted. Rosie && ii slow danced && we danced to Oh by Ciara [[that's when we realized how long that song really was]] . After the dance we went to Ihop. It amazes me how me, Rosie, && Cam all ordered the same thing, but they finished all their food && all ii had eaten was my sausage. At first they started talking about sports till ii complained that ii didn't kno anything && then they started telling yo mama jokes. Haha it was hilarious how my dress got glitter all over everything, there was even a spot of glitter on Rosie's croch from where ii had been dancing on him. It was fun ii didn't even wanna go home, but here ii am. Rosie is so sweet he was such a gentlemen. He opened all my doors for me, gave me his jacket, && he walked me to my door. I have no regrets!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Dorie Hamy Rosie && Me ... according to my mom were cute ... but if u ask Rosie ... he's the cutest (( lol )) Posted by Picasa

Dorie Cam Rosie && Me ... were so sexy  Posted by Picasa

Me n Roosevelt ... just turn ur head sideways Posted by Picasa

Timia Tequila Posted by Picasa

Me n Dorie ... ii like this picture alot Posted by Picasa

Shadorie  Posted by Picasa

Ham && Shadorie ... they crack me up Posted by Picasa

Rosie Posted by Picasa

Dorkie && Hamy Posted by Picasa

Me n Rosie Posted by Picasa

Me sippin my Sprite Posted by Picasa

Dorie && Cam ... ii love how Dorie's tounge is out (( lol )) Posted by Picasa

Rosie Cheesin' Posted by Picasa

Ray Ray Raymond Posted by Picasa

Denise Posted by Picasa

Zelly Posted by Picasa

Shadorie Posted by Picasa

Me n Dorie Posted by Picasa

Micheal Posted by Picasa

Sharral Posted by Picasa

Micheal, Janette, && Zelly Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 18, 2006

This wekend was


Why? Because I got to see Mariah Carey in concert mostly. Let's see ... Saturday I had all-state auditons. I had fun talking to Amanda && Aimee. After I got done with my auditon my mom came && got me && we went to the store. I got two new [[ GEORGEOUS ]] dresses. Then we went home changed && left for the concert. It was so much fubn. Busta Rhymes opened. He was hilarious && really good. I loved Mariah's stage set up, it was [[ BEAUTIFUL ]] && so was she. She looked airbrushed on stage, that's how perfect && flawless she looked. That woman in so talented. I loved every last minute of it. I was sad when the concert ended, I wanted her to sing more! I almost got to touch her! We were on the 12th row && she walked down the center isle, too bad those stupid body guards were surrounding her! Atleast I can say I was within a couple of feet of her! I got some Mariah Carey booty shorts that say Shake it off on the back && a matching jacket that say the same thing but has an outline of her too. I had so much fun, I will never forget it. Sunday Mariska && Chris came over && we wrestled && watched movies since it was raining. I didn't make it in all-state but i'm ok I still got 2 more years, plus I GOT TO SEE MARIAH CAREY so who cares about all-state ((lol)). Hope your weekend was as great as mine!

me showin' off my Mariah gear [[ jacket && shorts ]] Posted by Picasa